Jazmin Kamilah

Being a diva is not in the clothes and the jewelry that one wears, it pertains to the God in you. The God in you produces the beauty in your outward appearance. A true diva houses the anointing and character of the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31. A diva is a woman of character, an entrepreneur, and a woman of wisdom.
TheDIVACollection LLC
In 2019, I relaunched my faith based business, CrownedBeautyByJaz, as The DIVA Collection. The word DIVA stands for Divinely Inspired Virtuously Anointed.
When The Diva Collection began, I sold hair extensions, lashes and lip gloss. In 2020, when the pandemic hit, I saw tremendous growth during quarantine. I had the time to really expand my business and I added Body butters, body scrubs, men & womens skincare and accessories. I attended numerous Pop up Shops and I was able to get my business out there, listen to the wants and needs of my customers, and network with other small business owners. I noticed that I spent a lot of time talking with other young women about the ins and outs of having a small business.
For 2021 I’ve decided to provide small business support, starter kits and wholesale items to help Divas start their own businesses! I also hope to host pop up shops to showcase Small Black Businesses in the area.
Stay tuned, The DIVA Collection has a lot in store!